Thursday, April 17, 2008

Don't ask don't tell is the MOTTO of CIA2 and PNAC KILLERS on the Potomac, working for the real power behind the power...

As I live and breath, someone associated with this administration who comes out telling the truth...about CIA2 and the White House's Murder Inc.,. He's surly not longed for any administration job..... He'll be retiring within weeks, months not years - to paraphrase something I read recently....Everyone MUST obey the illegal orders without questions asked....Don't ask don't tell is the MOTTO of CIA2 and PNAC KILLERS on the Potomac, working for the real power behind the the US of A....of the Trilateral border areas of NORAD mountain ranges....the assassins and murderers of the 21st century, stealing elections is fun for them..., killing innocent people is a Sport, maiming thousands by cluster bombs and smart munitions is a JOY, controlling Intelligence agencies worldwide "remotely..." and syphoning of all information from Judiciary courts is routine...., plundering resources is a daily practice for decades worldwide and much more....and they try to replicate their criminal governance practices, with lackeys agents and stooges, thugs and goons like Siniora's example in Lebanon, Nouri Al-Maliki's in Iraq, Mahmud Abbas, Fayyad's etc. etc.