Monday, September 27, 2010

La base américaine secrète en Algérie: Comme si vous y étiez.....,116063,en.pdf

Le Canard enchaîné a livré, dans sa dernière édition, une révélation sur une base américaine secrète en Algérie.

L’information est très importante, encore que décalée. Elle a le mérite de lever un black-out sur cette question, observée avec rigueur, autant par la presse algérienne, pour les raisons évidentes que l’on sait, que par la presse française, qui ne s’intéresse à nos histoires que dans la mesure où elles pourraient les concerner directement.

Iherhir n’est pas Tamanrasset…

Le problème, dans cet article du Canard enchaîné, est que les informations qu’il donne ne sont pas tout à fait exactes.

En fait, j’avais déjà traité de ce sujet en 2008, dans mon ex blog, Tahia bladi, aujourd’hui perdu. Dans les articles que j’avais publié sur cette affaire de base secrète américaine, j’avais donné des indications très précises, sur l’emplacement de cette base, sur la société qui l’avait réalisée, sur certains opérateurs qui ont été impliqués dans sa réalisation technique, sur les cercles qui ont pesé sur la lourde décision de son implantation, à l’insu du peuple algérien.

J’avais bien précisé qu’il ne fallait pas confondre cette base, avec l’antenne de la CIA qui se trouvait à Tamanrasset, au niveau de la base aérienne.

C’est dans cette confusion qu’est tombé le Canard enchaîné....volontairement....

Cette antenne américaine, n’a jamais été vraiment secrète. Elle avait été installée au début des années 90, masquée par l’opération qui consistait à allonger la principale piste d’atterrissage de Tamanrasset, qui devait éventuellement servir de voie de dégagement d’urgence pour la navette Coloumbia. C’est à la faveur de ces travaux, financés par les USA, que la « station d’écoute », pour reprendre les vocables officiels, fut installée à l’intérieur d’une caserne de l’armée algérienne, où se trouvaient déjà ceux de la DRS. Le nombre des agents américains qui se trouvaient dans cette structure avoisine la dizaine de personnes. Le chiffre de 400 agents, avancé par le Canard enchaîné, est tout à fait invraisemblable. Il est tout à fait inimaginable que tant d’agents puissent passer inaperçus, des années durant, dans une ville comme Tamanrasset, où tout se sait. Cette station d’écoute, dispose d’un matériel très sophistiqué, capable de capter des conversations, mêmes codées, à une très longue distance. Chose que le régime algérien cache à tous ses voisins, et au peuple algérien.
Je crois que le Canard enchaîné a été induit en erreur, en citant ce chiffre, par une circonstance un peu particulière. Parce qu’effectivement, la vraie base secrète, celle d’Iherher, qui n’a jamais été vraiment opérationnelle, a dû accueillir, dans l’urgence, et avant même qu’elle ait été achevée, 400 Marines qui venaient d’une base américaine en Allemagne, et qui se rendaient au Mali, pour une opération dont on ne sait rien. les aéronefs qui les transportaient se sont posés sur la piste d’Iherher, d’ou les Marines ont été acheminées, de nuit, vers le nord du Mali.

Construire une base est aussi facile que de créer l’AQMI …

Mais qu’en est-il, en réalité de cette base américaine d’Iherher ?

Cette base, aujourd’hui démolie en grande partie, avait été projetée par les concepteurs néocons qui avaient commencé par envisager la politique du Grand Moyen Orient, puis celle, plus réaliste, de l’Africom.....
Le Sahel, avait fini par s’imposer comme une région d’une grande importance géostratégique. Des gisements très importants y avaient été décelés, ainsi que dans les pays limitrophes. La Chine, qui avait compris que c’était là, la seule région pétrolifère où elle pouvait enfoncer un coin, avait commencé à s’installer en Afrique. Et tout particulièrement au Soudan. D’où le tollé sélectif soulevé par la guerre du Darfour. Des condamnations, du même type que ceux qui concernaient le Tibet, axés sur une politique d’endiguement de la Chine(Containment).

Les Américains étaient tout à fait déterminés à faire main basse sur cette région, de la même manière qu’ils contrôlaient le Golfe et le moyen Orient, à fortiori que le Sahel se révélait un centre stratégique pour le futur. Situé au vrai centre du monde géographique, allant du Canal de Suez jusqu’à l’océan atlantique, ce couloir pétrolifère, sera appelé à devenir, dans l’imagination des futurologues américains, la vraie frontière extérieure entre l’Europe et l’Afrique. Une région tampon, qui sera déterminante dans les flux migratoires.....
Pour cela, et d’autres raisons encore, les Américains décidèrent de créer l’Africom, sous des prétextes philanthropiques qui seraient ridicules s’ils n’étaient cyniques.....

L’Africom aurait donc mission de veiller à la sécurité de cette région, de lutter contre le terrorisme international et de le prévenir. Mais comme il était inexistant en ces lieux désolés, il fallait donc le créer. Certains services américains, qui avaient enrôlé des généraux algériens, mais aussi des personnalités politiques, et qui connaissaient très bien la technique du DRS qui consiste à créer des groupes terroristes, comme les GIA, puis à les utiliser contre les populations civiles, demandèrent donc à leurs amis du DRS de provoquer un climat de violence dans le Sahel et dans les pays limitrophes. Ils savaient bien que le DRS était parfaitement capable de ce genre de mission, puisqu’ils l’avaient déjà éprouvé dans des opérations internationales, dans le traitement et le retournement d’islamistes, dans leur enlèvement, leur transport, et jusqu’à leur torture ou leur discrète exécution, quelque part dans le Sahara. La sous traitance du DRS, dans la « lutte anti-terroriste » est un secret de polichinelle. Plusieurs hauts gradés américains, et y compris deux secrétaires d’Etat, ont publiquement salué l’ »efficacité » des « forces de sécurité » algériennes. Une efficacité et une compétence tout à fait remarquables, pour des techniques qui font appel à la gégène, à la tronçonneuse, et autres tenailles.....

Et c’est ainsi que le DRS, qui avait déjà infiltré très profondément le GSPC, jusqu’à sa plus haute hiérarchie, demanda à celui-ci de s’affilier à la Qaeda. Et c’est ainsi que le GSPC du DRS devint la Qaeda du Maghreb Islamique, avec la bénédiction du numéro 2 de la Qaeda de Ben Laden. Les pays du Maghreb et du Sahel allaient découvrir, en l’espace de quelques semaines, que ce GSPC agonisant, qui parvenait à peine à trouver de la nourriture et des abris de fortune, dont les émirs négociaient une reddition généralisée, était devenu une force militaire organisée, puissamment armée, dotée d’un budget qui lui permettait de rouler carrosse en plein désert, et de relancer sa politique de recrutement. La nouvelle AL-CIAda était devenue subitement d’une telle puissance, que même les chefs coutumiers touaregs, et les gros contrebandiers du Sahel, les groupes de pression les plus influents dans ces régions, venaient faire acte d’allégeance aux émirs....du CIA/MOSSAD....

Néocons, généraux algériens, copains comme cochons…

Avant cela, les choses ne traînaient pas. Les Américains avaient réussi à pénétrer au coeur du régime algérien, en y faisant nommer un de leurs agents les plus efficaces, comme Ministre de l’Energie, c’est à dire du Pétrole et du Gaz. Le fameux Chakib Khalil, dont on dit qu’il fut l’un des meilleurs assassins financiers de la CIA...... Comble du cynisme, cet homme devint, non seulement Ministre du pétrole algérien, mais président de l’OPEP.....LOL....

Il faudrait toute une encyclopédie pour traiter de toutes les affaires où il avait mouillé, et qui se calculent en dizaines de milliards de dollars.....

Mais l’une des plus emblématiques de son action fut celle de la BRC. Un méga scandale qui fit étouffé, dans un consensus général, par tous les barons du régime, y compris par le Président de la République et les génraux les plus influents du régime. Parce que Chakib Khalil les avait tous mouillés. En centaines de millions de dollars. La BRC fut dissoute en violation de la loi, sans véritable audit....Il ressemble fort a Fouad SINNIORA ce Chakib KHALIL......CIA-MOSSAD agents.....

Entre autres affaires, toutes plus incroyables les unes que les autres, il y eut celle de la base américaine.....

Plusieurs généraux, dont deux principaux, parmi les plus terrifiants du régime, celui qui contrôlait le trafic de drogue à destination de l’Europe et l’un des plus grands criminels contre l’humanité, commis contre des populations civiles, avaient accepté de parrainer l’affaire. C’était le temps des affaires. En ces années 90, pendant que la mort s’abattait sur les populations, que le terrorisme faisait des ravages, jusqu’en France, et qu’il instaurait un climat de terreur indicible, les généraux, leurs clientèles et leurs parentèles, s’enrichissaient en milliards de dollars.

Chacun d’eux avait son propre monopole. Qui celui du blé, qui celui du médicament, qui celui de la drogue, qui celui de l’armement et ainsi de suite, pour tout ce qui pouvait rapporter. La construction de cette base fut donc placée sous la protection de ces deux généraux majors.

Dans la pratique, le terrain choisi soigneusement pour cette base, par les Américains eux-mêmes, se trouve dans le Sahara, au Tassili, au sud-est du pays, près des frontières de la Libye et du Niger, à quelques kilomètres d’un hameau qui porte le nom de Iherhir, au sud d’Illizi.

Les travaux ont été confiés à la BRC. De grosses enveloppes ont été « remises » à plusieurs barons du régime, dont Chakib Khalil et nos deux généraux. Cet argent n’a pas été versé par les Américains, mais par la BRC, Brown Root & Condor (BRC, joint-venture entre Sonatrach et Haliburton, une société qui appartient à Dick Cheney, entre autres néocons du même cru....)

La BRC a sous traité la partie BTP de cette base à la société canadienne RSW – SCATT ».

Un nombre impressionnant de troupes a été déployé autour du chantier, en plein désert. Nul ne pouvait approcher, à moins de 10 km du site. Mais les quelques informations qui nous sont parvenues, malgré tout, nous apprennent que la circonférence du mur d’enceinte de cette base est d’une dizaine de kilomètres. Plusieurs infrastructures y sont présentes, dont une piste d’atterrissage de 4000m, une piscine olympique d’une capacité d’accueil de 1000 personnes. C’est dire que ce n’est pas un petit cantonnement de fortune, destiné à accueillir une unité de l’armée.( Encore que, selon des informations dignes de foi, cette base a longtemps servi de base arrière à l’émir du GSPC, Abderazak el Para, qui se trouve en ce moment même en villégiature chez le DRS, alors que la justice algérienne, qui sait très bien où il se trouve, l’a condamné à une peine par contumace.)

Des officiels algériens se vantent de construire une base américaine…

En 2004, la firme RSW-Scatt a invité de hauts gradés algériens à visiter une de ses filiales, au Canada. Ces responsables avaient donné une courte interview au journal d’entreprise, et ils se sont laissés photographier. Ils ne pensaient pas que ce tout petit journal d’entreprise pouvait tomber entre les mains de l’opposition algérienne. Nous avons gardé leurs photos et leurs déclarations.

Voici un extrait de cet article:

« Une délégation d’Algérie a effectué un court séjour à Eastmain les 18 et 19 mai dernier. Le commandant de la base aérienne de Tamanrasset, Yazid Zeraïbi, le commandant Ahmed Mouhamou, du ministère de la Défense, et Pierre Demers, ing., directeur de projet à la firme RSWS-catt, souhaitaient visiter nos infrastructures pour en savoir davantage sur ce qui se fait chez nous.Mentionnons que l’Algérie est à construire un campement à la base militaire de Tamanrasset, campement qui pourra accueillir 2 000 personnes. (l’article sur la délégation algérienne sur la photo de gauche)-Le commandant de la base aérienne de Tamanrasset, Yazid Zeraïbi, le commandant Ahmed Mouhamou, du ministère de la Défense, et Pierre Demers, ing., directeur de projet à la firme RSW-Scatt ont fait partie de la délégation en visite au chantier. »
Il faut juste préciser que « le campement à la base militaire de Tamanrasset » dont il est question était la façade officielle du projet de « IHERHIR »

La base de Iherhir fut démolie après le scandale BRC. Le régime algérien comprit qu’il était temps de mettre fin à un conflit de clans qui risquait de l’emporter corps et biens. Il comprit, en effet, que si le peuple algérien était informé de tous les aspects de ce scandale, y compris cette affaire de haute trahison qu’était la construction de cette base secrète, cela pourrait aboutir à une situation qu’il ne pourrait plus contrôler. De plus, les choses commençaient à changer aux USA, et les forces néocons avaient effectué un repli stratégique sur certaines de leurs stratégies. L’arrivée de Obama au pouvoir, même si elle n’induisait pas de changements aussi radicaux qu’on pourrait le penser, avait néanmoins sonné le glas pour les plus ultras, et les plus visibles, qui dirigeaient une politique maghébine et sahélienne de la Qaeda. C’est cela qui décida probablement le régime à démolir cette base, du moins à la démanteler. C’est cela qui inversa aussi un certain rapport de forces au sein du régime, et qui déboucha sur la mise à la retraite du général M.Lamari et au limogeage de Chakib Khalil. Entre autres bouleversements souterrains.

Et pour mieux en convaincre ceux qui resteraient un tant soit peu sceptiques, voici une localisation satellitaire qui nous a été aimablement transmise par un ami. Vous pourrez zoummer au plus près. Vous verrez des infrastructures considérables, que rien ne justifie dans ce coin perdu du Tassili, une route de plusieurs kilomètres, qui ne mène nulle part, si ce n’est à cette base. Vous y verrez aussi les restes de qui ressemble à une piste d’atterrissage, dont on croit reconnaître les contours.

Voici la géolocalisation, il suffit de cliquer dessus, et d’aller y faire un tour: BASE AMERICAINE Africa....and Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Lebanon......

GIA - 1995 - le Gouvernement français et la DST savaient où les bombes allaient être posées :

12 avril 2007 - ÉLECTIONS PRÉSIDENTIELLES - Les attentats en Algérie peuvent-ils favoriser Sarko ?

11 avril 2007 - ATTENTATS D’ALGER - Les journalistes ont trouvé le coupable en une demi-heure !
Moines de Tibéhirine :

Sachez aussi une chose essentielle pour bien comprendre : l’Algérie, c’est encore et toujours la France ! :

Une visite de ce site (MAOL) vous en convaincra :

Il est très important de parcourir en détail le site du MAOL, le site du "Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres", qui dénonce à peu près toutes les manipulations du terrorisme en Algérie :

Lire en particulier cette page qui dénonce que les généraux qui gouvernent actuellement l’Algérie sont d’« anciens » harkis au service de la France :
OU bien lire ce texte beaucoup plus court et très explicite : Le serment des membres du MAOL (Mouvement Algérien des Officiers Libres) :
Extrait :
« L’Armée Nationale Populaire a de tout temps été le symbole de l’honneur et du sacrifice, mais l’avènement d’officiers supérieures (ex-officiers de l’armée française ou relatifs) à ses commandes, nous a reconduit plus de quarante ans en arrière. Les pendules sont à l’heure de l’occupation. « Pour toutes ces raisons et pour suivre l’exemple de nos frères officiers et sous-officiers lâchement exécutés dès les premières heures de la guerre civile par d’autres membres de l’Armée Nationale Populaire sous les commandes de Mariane, nous combattrons ces nouveaux harkis et leurs alliés jusqu’à la dernière goutte de notre sang. »

Vu sur : Alterinfo

....More tribes with Flags to come....?

Le Department DHS, Department of Homeland Security, aux mains de l'agent israelien Chertoff aux Etats-Unis, controlé par une puissante organisation juive sioniste, dependante du congres juif mondial, basée a Chicago, remplie de "Juifs de Cour"... et de l'establishement de la surete nationale US/ZOG.

Des informations publiées sur le cas du general Rachid Ammar en Tunisie, prefiguration de la division de la Lybie et de l'Algerie, ont largement contribuées a bloquer la CIA, la DCRI et les plans israeliens....?

Mais il y a plus, le faire part de l'activation du plan d'invasion israelien originellement prevu dans la nuit du 28 au 29 Janvier 2011, informations confirmées par les reseaux de la Resistance au Moyen Orient. Les plans d'invasion du Sinai et de division de L' Egypte et l'activation du plan israelien destiné a prendre le controle de l'Arabe Saoudite, du Koweit, et des Emirats est apparement l'aboutissement de ces revoltes debutées par le departement d'Etat US en coordination avec Tel aviv, Paris, Londres..., se servant de CIA/Wikileaks....

Il y a encore plus, ....des informations confidentielles permettent de confirmer la chute rapide des barons du gouvernement algerien dont une bonne partie a deja quitté le pays, (selon le plan mis en place par l'administration Obama pour donner l'impression d'une vraie revolution mais les serives n'ont pas reussi a infiltrer le noyau dur des opposants qui eux ne sont pas nés de la derniere pluie comme dirait l'un d'entres eux), ce qui ne donne pas beaucoup de temps aux francais et americains pour evacuer et etre sur de detruire toutes les preuves impliquant ces pays dans la creation d'AQMI, d'ou les tentatives d'infiltrations des agents comme le criminel de guerre Saadi., destinées uniquement au sabotage en regle de toute union d'algeriens non controlés par les francais ou les americains.

Dans le cas particulier de la France, la crainte de revelations publiques sur le role de la France dans la creation des GIAs, son role dans la guerre civile et les attentats a Paris en 1995, l'assassinat des moines de Tibhirines, les fausses prises d'otage au Niger, Mali, Mauritanie. Il ne fait plus aucun doute que ces revelations maintenant quasi-publiques et bien d'autres provoqueront une guerre en France, ou au moins 5 millions d'algeriens vivent, plus de 10 a 12 millions de Musulmans au total, sous le joug d'une dictature fasciste, raciste, franc maconne, juive sioniste d'essence talmudo-jacobine. Une guerre qui destabilisera le lobby juif sioniste francais et toute les elites politiques soumises de l'extreme gauche a l'extreme droite. La France est essentielle pour le dispositif de controle et de soumission de l'ancien empire colonial francais en Afrique aux interets israeliens a Washington, et donc par ce fait l'echec previsible et la perte de controle des toutes les revoltes des pays au Maghreb et par effet domino, celles de tout le monde Arabe, Egypte en tete...., et bientot la Syrie....avec le fameux Coup D'Etat tant attendu du criminel sanglant Asef Shawkat....

l'Algerie est le point crucial pour le déblocage de la situation car le pays a commencé sa revolution il y a 25 ans, et a connu toutes les manipulations possibles, et imaginables plus rien ne semble s'opposer a l'avenement d'un pays veritablement delié et libre de toute influence etrangere, et ce malgré le fait qu'Obama affirme controler maintenant le DRS et les generaux algeriens. Officiellement, personne ne peut prevoir exactement ce qui va se passer. En fait, ils ont prevu leur defaite, mais ils ne savent pas exactement ou sont ceux qui poussent derriere et comment sont structurés leurs reseaux, ce qu'ils savent c'est qu'a chaque fois, ils sont incapables de neutraliser ces reseaux, sans utiliser le terrorisme et la violence de masse.

D'ou la panique, apres la Tunisie ou Sarkozy et le gouvernement francais savaient dans les details ce qui se passait sur le terrain. Or, pour tromper ces francais qui croient que Sarkozy travaille pour les interets de la France et non pas ceux d'Israel et la CIA..., ils ont brouillé le jeu des informations, cela s'est fait a l'ambassade americaine a Paris et cela a fini sur la criminelle de guerre Alliot Marie. Sarkozy travaillant non pas a 'garder le pre-carré' mais a le transferer entierement sous controle de la mafia juive sioniste a Washington et Tel Aviv. Un traitre qui affirme maintenant que la presence 'juive en France' remonte bien avant la presence de l'heleno-christianisme. En somme, l'Europe nous appartient veritablement a nous sionistes racistes d'essence khazarie, et vous goy-souchiens mourrez pour Israel !

Attendez vous a ce qu'un False Flag attacque en France ou aux Etats-Unis..., notamment apres les revelations de la rencontre entre israeliens et Hortefeuj en janvier 2011, pour tenter d'empecher par tous les moyens plusieurs groupes de la veritable opposition au Maghreb de prendre le pouvoir. Hortefeuj ayant deja menacé d'organiser des attentats en France... nous verrons de quoi il est capable!

40 ans de dictature et de haine dirigé contre les minorité, l'Islaam, les goy-souchiens, la guerre civile en preparation depuis 2005. Israel degage... !

Vous comprenez la panique des terroristes israeliens en France et de part le Monde....!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Stuxnet : first cyberwarfare “smart bomb” launched against Iran by CIA/MOSSAD creeps

When first discovered in 2010, the Stuxnet computer worm posed a baffling puzzle. Beyond its unusually high level of sophistication loomed a more troubling mystery: its purpose. Ralph Langner and team helped crack the code that revealed this digital warhead's final target -- and its covert origins. In a fascinating look inside cyber-forensics, he explains how....

4 Satellites lost in Space this it also Stuxnet....???

Stuxnet est un virus informatique qui cible notamment un logiciel du groupe allemand Siemens et permet de prendre le contrôle de certains équipements dans des sites industriels et qui a pu être créé dans le but de viser la centrale nucléaire iranienne de Buchehr, selon des experts informatiques....

Un virus très sophistiqué ne peut pas être l’œuvre d’un pirate informatique isolé, mais d’une organisation, voire d’un Etat, ajoutent les spécialistes qui ont décortiqué le virus....

Stuxnet, recherche dans les ordinateurs qu’il infecte un programme particulier, développé par Siemens et qui contrôle des oléoducs, des centrales électriques et d’autres installations industrielles. Au total 15 clients infectés ont été détectés, a reconnu le groupe allemand, mais “il n’y a eu en aucun cas de conséquences sur leur production”....

Stuxnet cible notamment les systèmes SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition), qui sont des outils de télésurveillance et d’acquisition de données présent dans de nombreuses industries. Activé, il pourrait commander alors des valves ou d’autres composants industriels et endommager les installations touchées.

Si lors de sa découverte en juillet dernier, les experts estimaient que Stuxnet avait été crée pour l’espionnage industriel, le décryptage du code source du virus laisse désormais penser qu’il a été conçu pour paralyser et détruire physiquement des installations industrielles.

Le vers qui s’exécute et profite d’une faille sur les simple icones de raccourci windows se propage par l’intermédiaire de dispositifs USB. Une fois inséré dans une machine sous Windows, il se met à la recherche d’un système SCADA et se copie vers tout autre port USB occupé. Il peut rester tapi dans les ordinateurs en attendant d’identifier un système cible.

il est possible que Bushehr ait été infecté par un groupe russe travaillant sur la centrale iranienne JSC Atomstroyexport. Récemment ce dernier avait vu son site Web piraté et certaines de ses pages web sont toujours bloquées par les logiciels de sécurité, car ils sont connus pour héberger des logiciels malveillants.

Siemens a cependant indiqué à l’AFP n’avoir pas fourni son logiciel SCADA pour équiper Buchehr (En même temps Le groupe allemand a fourni tellement de choses aux autorités iraniennes dont des systèmes d’interception des communications électroniques Nokia Lawful Interception Gateway (LIG). Un système parmi d’autres qui pourrait également avoir fait les frais de Stuxnet.

Windows et Siemens ont depuis proposé un correctif, cependant selon plusieurs experts informatiques le problème n’est plus Stuxnet, mais la prochaine génération de virus qui va exploiter les modes de propagations et d’attaques “ouverts” par Stuxnet.

Lire l’analyse que faisait Symantec du virus en juillet dernier ici

A highly sophisticated computer worm that has spread through Iran, Indonesia and India was built to destroy operations at one target: possibly Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor.

That’s the emerging consensus of security experts who have examined the Stuxnet worm. In recent weeks, they’ve broken the cryptographic code behind the software and taken a look at how the worm operates in test environments. Researchers studying the worm all agree that Stuxnet was built by a very sophisticated and capable attacker — possibly a nation state — and it was designed to destroy something big.

Though it was first developed more than a year ago, Stuxnet was discovered in July 2010, when a Belarus-based security company discovered the worm on computers belonging to an Iranian client. Since then it has been the subject of ongoing study by security researchers who say they’ve never seen anything like it before. Now, after months of private speculation, some of the researchers who know Stuxnet best say that it may have been built to sabotage Iran’s nukes.

Last week Ralph Langner, a well-respected expert on industrial systems security, published an analysis of the worm, which targets Siemens software systems, and suggested that it may have been used to sabotage Iran’s Bushehr nuclear reactor. A Siemens expert, Langner simulated a Siemens industrial network and then analyzed the worm’s attack.

Experts had first thought that Stuxnet was written to steal industrial secrets — factory formulas that could be used to build counterfeit products. But Langner found something quite different. The worm actually looks for very specific Siemens settings — a kind of fingerprint that tells it that it has been installed on a very specific Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) device — and then it injects its own code into that system.

Because of the complexity of the attack, the target “must be of extremely high value to the attacker,” Langner wrote in his analysis.

This specific target may well have been Iran’s Bushehr reactor, now under construction, Langner said in a blog posting. Bushehr reportedly experienced delays last year, several months after Stuxnet is thought to have been created, and according to screen shots of the plant posted by UPI, it uses the Windows-based Siemens PLC software targeted by Stuxnet.

Langner thinks that it’s possible that Bushehr may have been infected through the Russian contractor that is now building the facility, JSC AtomStroyExport. Recently AtomStroyExport had its Web site hacked, and some of its Web pages are still blocked by security vendors because they are known to host malware. This is not an auspicious sign for a company contracted with handling nuclear secrets.

What is unique about Stuxnet is that it utilizes a new method of propagation. Specifically, it takes advantage of specially-crafted shortcut files (also known as .lnk files) placed on USB drives to automatically execute malware as soon as the .lnk file is read by the operating system. In other words, simply browsing to the removable media drive using an application that displays shortcut icons (like Windows Explorer) runs the malware without any additional user interaction.

When Stuxnet finally identifies its target, it makes changes to a piece of Siemens code called Organizational Block 35. This Siemens component monitors critical factory operations — things that need a response within 100 milliseconds. By messing with Operational Block 35, Stuxnet could easily cause a refinery’s centrifuge to malfunction, but it could be used to hit other targets too, Byres said.

Whoever created Stuxnet developed four previously unknown zero-day attacks and a peer-to-peer communications system, compromised digital certificates belonging to Realtek Semiconductor and JMicron Technology, and displayed extensive knowledge of industrial systems. This is not something that your run-of-the-mill hacker can pull off. Many security researchers think that it would take the resources of a nation state to accomplish.

Last year, rumors began surfacing that Israel might be contemplating a cyber attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

Bushehr is a plausible target, but there could easily be other facilities — refineries, chemical plants or factories that could also make valuable targets, said Scott Borg, CEO of the U.S. Cyber Consequences Unit, a security advisory group. “It’s not obvious that it has to be the nuclear program,” he said. “Iran has other control systems that could be targeted.”

When it was first discovered, 60 percent of the infected Stuxnet computers were located in Iran, according to Symantec.

Now that the Stuxnet attack is public, the industrial control systems industry has come of age in an uncomfortable way. And clearly it will have more things to worry about “The problem is not Stuxnet. Stuxnet is history,” said Langner in an e-mail message. “The problem is the next generation of malware that will follow.”

"How the 'NYT' swallowed the Stuxnet worm"

The Jews were between a rock and a hard place. They screamed that Iran's mythical nuclear program posed an existential threat to Israel. Yet they lacked the ability to attack Iran - and couldn't admit it - and were not able to force the Americans to commit imperial suicide by attacking Iran on behalf of the Jews. Thus, they ran the huge risk that Jews in Israel would believe their lies and decide to leave before being nuked.

Stuxnet was created to remove the mythical threat of Iran. It also provided more Jewish supremacist boosterism - look how smart we are! - and a new mythical high-level cooperation between the United States and Israel. Since the threat is gone, no attack is needed, and the Jews don't have to flee Israel. The chief Jewish supremacist organ, the New York Times, was employed to spread the good news.

As I have pointed out before, the Stuxnet story, with all its holes (described in great detail in the article cited above), isn't even internally consistent. How could a program which allegedly reduced Iranian nuclear fuel production by only 20% suddenly render the 'existential threat' harmless?

Iran doesn't have a nuclear program and Stuxnet didn't stop it. The New York Times is chock full of Jewish violent racist supremacist lies....

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The clear unequivocal conclusion is that 9/11 was an "inside job" wall to wall.....

The clear unequivocal conclusion is that 9/11 was an "inside job" wall to wall..... I would refer those who are not aware of my "conversion" to the "truther" camp and of the motives which caused it to the paper "How I became a dedicated 9-11 Truther" which you can download from here (this is actually a letter that lays out why I strongly believe that there can be no doubt whatsoever about the fact that 9/11 was an "inside job"). Please do read it as I will write the rest of this post under the assumption that you have read my paper where I substantiate and reference the following facts:

1) The US government and corporate media do not have any explanations about how the WTC1 and WTC2 fell. NIST simply did not investigate the events which followed the "initiation of collapse". In case you wonder what happened to the previously official version of the "pancaking" theory - NIST quietly dropped it. Let me repeat this once again. THERE IS NO "OFFICIAL VERSION" FOR THE COLLAPSE OF WTC1 and WTC2. None. Zilch. Nihil. Notin'. Niente. As in "absolutely no nothing". Got it?

You never heard about this?! I am not surprised. But it gets even better, watch this:

2) The US government admitted that WTC7 fell in free fall acceleration for 2.25 seconds. Why is that important? Simply because that means that a number of floors of WTC7 simply disappeared instantaneously and symmetrically from under the roof of WTC7. There is only one possible way to remove a section of a building instantaneously: by explosive power. Yes, the admission by Uncle Sam that the WTC7 fell for at least 2.25 seconds is an implicit admission that explosives were used. Let me repeat this one too: UNCLE SAM HAS DE-FACTO ADMITTED THAT EXPLOSIVES WERE USED IN WTC7.

Amazing, jaw-dropping stuff I would say, no? So why do I not hear the endless rumble of jaws hitting the floor all over the USA and the rest of the world? Maybe I should drive home the point even more forcefully? Ok, let me try this:

Since Uncle Sam has admitted that only explosives can explain what was observed on September 11th, Uncle Sam has also admitted that he is guilty of that crime. No outside agency, nevermind some semi-mythical 'Al-CIAda' could have had access to a super secret building like WTC7. Only Uncle Sam could have rigged that building to bring it down in a few seconds.

I still do not hear the endless rumble of jaws hitting the floor all over the USA and the rest of the world...

The 'official narrative' (its not even a theory) about 9/11 is so full of holes that one could easily write a 100 pages long paper analyzing all the impossibilities populating literally every aspect of it: from the exploded and non-exploded residue of thermitic material found in huge amounts in the WTC dust, to the impossible telephone calls allegedly made from the hijacked aircraft, to the non-existing plane wrecks in DC and Shanksville, to the absolutely amazing biographies of the putative hijackers all of which seem to have been US government agents, to the role of Pakistan and Israel, to the ridiculous claims about recovered flight manuals, passports, letters, to the impossible flight profiles of the aircraft in DC and NY, etc. - none of it makes any sense at all. Every single one of these absolutely nonsensical parts of the official narrative deserves its own investigation and the good news is that it has already been done, very effectively, by the 9/11 Truth movement (my personal "9/11 electronic library" is currently at 22.6GB (!) of data, most of it high-quality research by very smart folks which have literally eviscerated all the absolute crap of the official narrative) Yet nobody seems to care.


In my training years I was taught that the process of intelligence revolves around three distinct phases, called the "three As": acquisition, analysis, acceptance.

The first one - acquisition - is all about collecting the data and that has been comprehensively done by thousands of folks since 9/11. The second one - analysis - centers on the careful analysis of the collected data, and I would say that the 9/11 Truth movement has also done a superb job in that respect too. Which leaves the last one - acceptance - which is the process by which the intelligence community brings its conclusions to the attention of the decision makers. It is in this final aspect that the 9/11 Truth movement has largely failed, at least so far: amazingly, even though the truth about 9/11 is out there, only a couple of computer mouse clicks away - most people simply do not give a damn.

Worse, those who do not consider themselves as "truthers" often reflect an amazing degree of bigotry and hostility. These are the folks who refer to "truthers" and their theories as "cooks", "garbage" and, my all-time favorite "conspiracy theories" (as if the official narrative is not one hell of an absurd conspiracy theory!). Why do these "skeptics" so naively accept an absolutely ridiculous official narrative and show such a vitriolic hostility towards those who dare question it?

David Ray Griffin wrote a brilliant open letter to the left-leaning wing of such "skeptics" entitled Left-Leaning Despisers of the 9/11 Truth Movement: Do You Really Believe in Miracles? which you can download from here. Please do take the time to download and read it, it clearly shows that it is not the "truthers" who believe in miracles, but the so-called "skeptics". Griffin addressed his letter to left-leaning despisers, but he could have addressed it to the right-leaning despisers too - they are equally unwilling (or unable) to cope with the mind-boggling implications of the fact that 9/11 was beyond any doubt an inside job. Yes, the implications of this are truly appalling and, frankly, quite frightening and the aggressive reaction of the 'despisers" is not so much a reflection of their careful analysis and subsequent rejection of the evidence as it is a reflection of their fear to take a hard look at reality. It is hard, if not impossible, to achieve "acceptance" when your audience is absolutely terrified by the implications of your analysis and conclusions.

The 9/11 Truth movement is composed of people who have all dared to think the unthinkable. Some from day 1, some, like myself, from roughly day 3000, but who all eventually dared to plunge in the cold waters of facts and logic no matter where this might lead them.

In contrast, I find that most skeptics, in particular of the aggressive "despisers" variety are really what I call "existential cowards" - folks who choose delusion over the painful facts of reality.

There have been attempts by some in the 9/11 Truth movement to appeal to the common sense of the "despisers". One of my favorite ones is this video:

Yet, one would have to admit that these efforts have not yielded the results one could have reasonably expected. If anything, the more evidence the 9/11 Truth movement produces, the most vociferous hostility it gets from the "despisers". So where do we go from here?

Social psychology has shown the many ways in which people can be lead to believe the exact opposite of what their own eyes are showing them (check out, for example, the research known has the "Asch conformity experiments") or how figures of authority can elicit an amazing degree of obedience to "authority" (check out Milgram's work on obedience to authority). Here I think of those who reject the evidence about 9/11 basically because Noam Chomsky or Ron Paul dismiss it.

We can, of course, find some solace in the words of Gandhi about how "first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win", but I would not hold my breath for a final "victory" any time soon. Yes, there are some absolutely amazing people in the 9/11 Truth movement (the names of Richard Gage, Steven Jones and David Ray Griffin immediately come to my mind), but these are all specialists, our movement still lacks a unifying Gandhi who would have the authority to speak for all and loudly cry out "But he isn't wearing anything at all!" when presented with the official myths and fairy tales about September 11th. Sooner or later such a person will appear, I believe, but in the meantime I say that we should just keep working on the already huge corpus of 9/11 research without expecting to ever hear the endless rumble of jaws dropping to the floor. Folks - it isn't coming and we might as well get used to this unpalatable fact.

Looking at how long it took my own jaw to drop (8 years!) I find some solace in the idea that we will be able to convince people, although not en masse, but one by one, one jaw at a time. That should be the objective - small steps in the right direction while remaining steadfastly unaffected by the never ending stream vitriol and scorn from the existential cowards who are freaked out by reality....

Some people are more observant than others.....

churchofnobody.blogspot/ has noticed how we are being brainwashed in a particular way by TV.

He refers to a point scoring buzzer game with the panel given a list of set responses to various 'conspiracy' theories:

'That's just crazy', 'He'll be talking about UFO's next', 'Anti-Semitism!', 'They would never do it', 'That's just crazy', etc. (Next on ABC - Media Watch Death Cult Love-Fest!)

twelfthbough.blogspot/ has noticed (1) how no one claimed the mutilated bodies of the Mumbai 'terrorists' in the morgue. and (2) Headley's background.

Observant people will have noticed that the Saudi ambassador to the UK, Ghazi Algosaibi, told the BBC:

"We are worried that this has turned from a war against terrorism ... into a war of America or the West against Islam." (BBC -Saudi Arabia warns of West-Islam split)


Observant people will have noticed that the names that have been associated with the planning of 9 11 include Moslems, Catholics, Protestants and Jews....all working under the aegis of the threesome of terror/evils, CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DIA/AMAN/BND....

The big question is: will they all stay united?

I once asked a teacher in an international school about who were the worst behaved kids.

The teacher said that some Moslem kids cheated in exams, some Catholic kids were cruel mafia types, some Protestants kids were thugs and some Jewish kids were manipulative and disruptive.

The bad guys usually work together, but, sometimes, in a crisis, they fall out.

What do the following have in common?

David Rockefeller, Reinhard Gehlen, Heinrich Himmler, George W. Bush, George Tenet, Henry Kissinger, Michael Chertoff, Rupert Murdoch, Tony Blair, Prescott Bush, Licio Gelli, J. Edgar Hoover, Joseph Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Giscard d’Estaing, Allen Dulles, Oliver North, George H.W Bush and William Casey.

Reportedly, they have been members of the Knights of Malta or have been awarded high honours by the Knights of Malta.

So, Jews and Catholics and Protestants can work together.

But, will they stay united?

Website for this image

On 9 11, the following people met General Mahmoud Ahmad, who was head of Pakistan's ISI and the financier of Mohamed Atta: Porter Goss of the CIA, Marc Grossman of the US State Department and Richard Armitage Deputy Secretary of State.

On the morning of 9 11, at the Ritz Carlton hotel in Washington, Shafiq bin Laden, brother of Osama, was meeting Reagan's former secretary of defense Frank Carlucci and James Baker III, secretary of state under Bush Sr.

The bad guys work together....?

What happens if the Catholics begin to think that they are under attack by the Jews?

What if the rulers of Pakistan, IRAN, Saudi Arabia and Turkey come to believe that there is a CIA-Mossad plan to destroy their countries?

The bad guys at the very top may feel that they can dispense with the Moslems and the Catholic Church.

Or the bad guys at the very top may feel they can continue to manipulate both.

Who is at the very top - Catholics? Protestants? Jews?

Definitely some kind of an alliance.....all working under the aegis of the threesome of terror/evils, CIA/MOSSAD/MI6/DIA/AMAN/BND/DGSE....


1. (A)



Which of the above is Domenico Prochilo, reportedly arrested in Siderno in Calabria in Italy, in July 2010, in connection with 'Ndrangheta (Mafia) activities?

Siderno is home to one of the 'Ndrangheta's biggest and most important clans, the Commisso 'ndrina, heavily involved in the global cocaine business and money laundering. [6]

The parents of CIA boss Leon Panetta, Carmelo Frank Panetta and Carmelina Prochilo, both come from Siderno.

2. Alan Duncan, who worked, from 1982 to 1988, for Marc Rich. Alan Duncan's domestic partner is James Dunseath.

To which small secretive organisation, set up by a former Prime Minister, have all of the following been linked:

Alan Duncan (UK Minister for International Development), William Casey (former Director CIA), William Colby (former Director CIA), Allen Dulles (CIA), Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Paul Volcker, Stephen Lander (MI5 boss) , Richard Nixon, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Giulio Andreotti (linked to P2), Prince Turki Al-Faisal, Otto von Habsburg, General Richard Stilwell (linked to Operation Gladio),

(A) The Knitting Circle

(B) The Pinny Circle

(C) The Pinay Circle


"To the casual observer she might look like nothing more than a drugs baron’s moll, happily flaunting her wealth and power."

The girl with the golden gun (from the private collection of Saddam) is the daughter of which one of the following:

(A) Joaquin 'Shorty' Guzman

(B) Britain’s MI6 spy chief Sir John Sawers

(C) the Pope.


Which is correct:

(A) Mark Regev was born Mark Freiberg in Melbourne.

(B) Benjamin Netanyahu speaks with a Boston accent.

(C) Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated by a Jew.


Which is correct:

(A) The BBC is run by the people who carried out the inside job of 9 11 attacks......

(B) 'Taliban nuclear documents' found by BBC reporter John Simpson were identical to a spoof article published in 1979 as a humor piece by The Journal of Irreproducible Results.

(C) The BBC broadcast an invented story that Indonesian communists were planning to slaughter the citizens of Jakarta.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

AIPAC peddled "intelligence" to CIA in 1984....

GSA administrator lobbied for AIPAC policy studies during Reagan administration....

We have discovered a letter from the General Service Administration (GSA) administrator Gerald P. Carmen to CIA director William Casey, dated February 27, 1984, in which Carmen, who founded a top Washington lobbying firm, attempted to interest Casey in policy pamphlets prepared by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Carmen explains that he is passing the AIPAC information to Casey at the behest of Guil [Guilford] Gazer of Los Angeles. Carmen, who is a well-known supporter of Israel as is Gazer, writes to Casey, "I am neither agreeing nor disagreeing with its [the pamphlet] contents, but merely forwarding the information on to you as requested."

After leaving GSA, Carmen, who now heads up the very influential Carmen Group lobbying firm in Washington, became the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva. Carmen also served as chairman of Ronald Reagan's PAC, Citizens for America. Carmen was also on the board of directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston. The savings and loan collapse of the late 1980s saw the ultimate dissolution of the Federal Home Loan Bank system. Today, the Carmen Group lobbies for a wide array of clients, including defense contractors and foreign governments, including those of Nigeria, Syria and Turkmenistan. Carmen Group also represented the General Contractors Association of New York in the cleanup of the Ground Zero site after the inside job of 9/11 attacks. Carmen's managing associate, David Keene, is also the chairman of the American Conservative Union, one of the backers of the "Tea Party" movement....

Glazer is a retired Los Angeles real estate developer and shopping mall owner who remains active in supporting Israeli causes. In 2009, Glazer bankrolled the founding of the Diane and Guilford Glazer Institute for Jewish Studies at Pepperdine University.

Some of the authors of the AIPAC policy papers would later become infamously known for their involvement on behalf of the powerful Israel Lobby in Washington in plunging the United States into the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and now IRAN....

One of the papers in the pamphlet, part of a series called"AIPAC Papers on U.S.-Israeli Relations" and "completed under the sponsorship of Guilford Glazer," is titled, "The Strategic Value of Israel," written by Steven J. Rosen. Rosen would later be indicted for his involvement in accepting highly-classified documents from a Pentagon official and making them available to a senior Mossad agent at the Israeli embassy in Washington....

The August 4, 2005, indictment read: "Paul McNulty, United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, announced that Lawrence Anthony Franklin, age 58, of Kearneysville, WV; Steven J. Rosen, age 63, of Silver Spring, MD; and Keith Weissman, age 53, of Bethesda, MD, were indicted today by a federal grand jury sitting in Alexandria with Conspiracy to Communicate National Defense Information to Persons Not Entitled to Receive It. The indictment alleges that beginning in April of 1999, Rosen, the Director of Foreign Policy Issues for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington, D.C., and Weissman, the Senior Middle East Analyst in the Foreign Policy Issues Department at AIPAC, in an effort to influence persons within and outside the United States government, would use their contacts within the United States government, including Franklin, with whom they first met in February 2003, to gather sensitive United States government information, including classified information relating to the national defense, for subsequent unlawful communication, delivery and transmission to persons not entitled to receive it, including members of the media and foreign government officials. Franklin was also charged with three counts of Communication of National Defense Information to Persons Not Entitled to Receive It. In one of those counts, Rosen was charged with aiding and abetting him in the unlawful disclosure. Finally, Franklin was charged with conspiring with persons known and unknown to the grand jury to communicate classified information to an agent or representative of a foreign government. It is alleged that Franklin would use his position as a desk officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense to gather information, classified as affecting the security of the United States, for subsequent unlawful communication to a foreign Israeli official."

Eventually, after intense pressure on the Justice Department by the Israel Lobby, including senior Jewish members of Congress, including Representative Jane MOSSAD Harman of California, the government's case against Rosen and Weissman collapsed and charges were dropped... The Mossad agent who received the classified information is Naor Gilon, who was permitted to return to the United States after fleeing to take up his official cover duties as Minister Counselor at the Israeli embassy for political affairs. Franklin, who pleaded guilty, was originally sentenced to 12 years and seven months in prison. However, prosecutors later asked that the sentence be reduced to ten months of house arrest and 100 hours of community service. The case against AIPAC collapsed because investigators were getting close to exposing Jewish agents for Israel at the highest levels of the Bush administration, including Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz, and Scooter Libby. The Obama administration, which has its own plague of Israeli agents at the highest levels, dropped the charges against the former AIPAC officers in 2009 and ordered the sentence imposed on Franklin be reduced.... since CIA/MOSSAD/DIA/AMAN are Siamese twins...

Another paper in the AIPAC pamphlet provided to Casey from Carmen is titled, "Israel and the U.S. Air Force," written by Martin Indyk, Charles Kupchan, and Steven J. Rosen. Today, Kupchan is the Whitney Shepardson senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and served as the director for European affairs at the National Security Council during the Clinton administration and prior to that worked on the Policy Planning Staff at the Department of State....which is riddled with MOSSAD agents....

Indyk, who became the U.S. ambassador to Israel under Clinton, was also enmeshed in a suspected espionage scandal. On September 21, 2000, Indyk, while serving as US ambassador in Tel Aviv, had his security clearance suspended by the State Department. Indyk was investigated for violating State Department security regulations. At a September 25, State Department press conference, Richard Boucher, the Department spokesman, said, "We have not suspended security clearances for an Ambassador previously, prior to this. This is the first time this has happened to an Ambassador...."

Another AIPAC paper passed by Carmen to Casey is titled, "Israel and the U.S. Navy," written by W. Seth Carus, the Deputy Director of the Center for the Study of Weapons of Mass Destruction at the National Defense University and a former research fellow at the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP). Ironically, while Carmen was urging Casey to read an AIPAC paper calling for greater cooperation between the U.S. Navy and Israel, Naval Investigative Service employee Jonathan Pollard was passing highly-classified Navy and National Security Agency documents to Israeli intelligence...., which was subsequently passed on to the USSR by Israel. It is believed that Pollard had at least one high-level Israeli intelligence controller within the Reagan administration, code-named "Mega...." among hundreds of others undetected yet....

Western conspiracy to protect Israeli agents of the Siamese twins CIA/MOSSAD....
By Linda S. Heard

Sep , 2010,

Imagine that you could fraudulently obtain a German travel document to be used by assassins, utilising the name and personal details of a still-living individual to do so, and even if you were caught, arrested and extradited to Germany for trial, you would be allowed to return to your home country.

It’s possible if you happen to be an Israeli. Given that Germany is known for its strict adherence to rules and laws, this really is mind-boggling.

I’m referring to the alleged Mossad agent Uri Brodsky, who is believed to have illegally obtained a German passport that was used to enter Dubai by one of Israel’s gang of assassins behind the murder of Hamas commander Mahmoud Al Mabhouh. Brodsky was arrested in Warsaw Airport in June; not for spying or conspiracy to murder but for the lesser crime of illegally procuring a passport.

On August 12, he was extradited from Poland to Germany where a German judge happily released him on bail and told him there was no bar to his return to Israel provided he returns in the event he is sentenced to prison. However, according to the Israeli daily Haaretz, Israel is likely to have done a deal with the German authorities whereby Brodsky will probably get away with a fine. There’s a word that springs to mind: conspiracy.

It seems that Poland, Germany and Israel have been in cahoots to spring this unsavoury individual who goes under several aliases to save Tel Aviv from embarrassment. What other explanation can there be when there is little doubt that Brodsky is linked however tenuously to a pre-planned and ruthless murder? Their actions have made a mockery of the concept of justice and the rule of law.

Brodsky should have been handed over to Interpol and interrogated or sent to Dubai for questioning. Dubai Police have spent an inordinate amount of man hours on this case and have used every kind of cutting-edge forensics and technology in an attempt to crack it.

Yet, the Polish and German authorities didn’t even have the courtesy to allow Dubai’s intelligence agents to speak with the only person in custody who potentially holds the key to the truth.

If the shoe had been on the other foot, and foreign agents had penetrated Germany with murder on their mind, there would have been an outcry had Dubai patted a possible killer on the back and sent him back home to mama.

While it’s true that a co-founder of Hamas would be viewed by most European capitals as a persona non grata and there were no tears shed in Poland or Germany following Al Mabhouh’s demise, that is not the point. Neither European nor international law blesses extrajudicial assassinations -- irrespective of the victim in question.

As despicable as the inaction of Poland and Germany to aid Dubai in solving this crime is, it is hardly surprising. It appears that Arabs are fair game in some European countries where for decades the Mossad has been given a virtual carte blanche to target Israel’s enemies.

At least six Arab men have been murdered by Israeli agents in France over the past 28 years, including Palestine Liberation Organisation leaders Zuhair Mohsin and Atef Bseiso, as well as the Egyptian nuclear scientist Yahia Al Meshad, who was found in a Paris hotel room with his throat slashed. Several Palestinians have been killed in Greece, Cyprus and Malta while a Moroccan waiter was mistakenly killed by Mossad agents in Norway while out walking with his pregnant wife.

Yet Israelis with a government licence to kill get away with murder and abductions time and time again. Not so the Russians. When former KGB officer Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned with radioactive polonium-210 whilst in London, Britain demanded the extradition of chief suspect Andrey Lugovoy from Moscow. The refusal of the Russians to comply caused a serious diplomatic rift and cooling of British-Russian relations.

Another country that conspires with Israel to protect its spies is, of course, the US. When cells of Russian spooks were recently caught in suburban America living under fake identities, they were arrested before being swapped for agents held in Russian jails for spying for Washington.

But it’s altogether another story when it comes to Israeli agents spying on the US. In 2004, Jane’s Intelligence reported that Israeli intelligence has been “spying on the US and running clandestine operations since Israel was established.”

When Israelis are caught in the act, such as the Israeli ‘art students’ who were arrested prior to the 9/11 attacks or the five Israeli ‘removal men’ who were seen dancing as they videotaped planes flying into the World Trade Centre twin towers, they are packed off to Israel.

Even the Jewish weekly The Forward confirmed that at least two of the men were working for the Mossad.

Former CIA counterterrorism officer Philip Giraldi maintains his former colleagues were very concerned about Israeli espionage against the US but they knew they wouldn’t get promoted if they spoke out. He explains why the US government is laissez-faire when it comes to Israeli moles. “Israel has a privileged position and that’s the way things are. It’s crazy. And everyone knows it’s crazy.”

Crazy maybe, but a far more appropriate word to describe a culture that massages one country’s spies and assassins is ‘sick....’